“I immersed myself in this superb work. Expertly presented. ”
The Media. Sex. Money. Power. History. The Bible.
How you think about these and other fundamental life issues will determine the source and strength of your confidence. Unshakeable confidence only comes from thinking well about key issues that govern life and success.
As you digest the concepts in this book, your confidence will grow deep roots.
“Riveting, well-written, concise, and provocative. ‘Swagger’ will challenge your thinking as it did mine, then equip you to walk boldly and confidently in our understanding.”
What is ‘Swagger’ about?
This world will beat you up. It’s a tough, crazy, irregular place filled with desperate souls. That’s never been more undeniable than it is today. Pressures from all sides make it easier than ever to feel lost, threatened, or defensive.
I had no idea what would be going on in our world today when I started writing ‘Swagger’. BUT GOD DID.
As you digest the concepts contained in ‘Swagger’, you will learn keep your wits—all those skills, talents, and godly endowments that make you you— when others are failing to do so. And if you maintain your wits, you WILL have swagger in life as you walk with God and others.
“A veritable encyclopedia of knowledge, information, advice, and wisdom that every person should read, preferably, while still a young adult. ”
about the author
Preston Gillham led an international ministry until he retired to writing and leadership consulting several years ago.
He has worked throughout Europe, the Caribbean, parts of Asia, and across North America. His guidance has taken him inside corporations and nonprofits where he specializes in the soft science of what makes people effective.
Preston is married to Dianne. They have twins, Alex and Anna, who live in heaven.