Meet Cathy...
About 1982 Cathy Hutchison came to work for Dad and me in our fledgling ministry business called Lifetime Guarantee. She was Cathy Barnes at the time and was the first person to join our staff. There were three of us in three rooms, so we saw a lot of one another.
I don't have enough superlatives to convey the contribution Cathy made. She was a superb employee and fantastic team member. Today, she is one of my friends and I want to share her with you. She recently did some very courageous work that you will appreciate. More about that in a moment.
She'll laugh out loud when she reads this blog post and recalls.... One of her contributions was that she introduced us to the Age of Technology. We purchased a computer that came in its own carrying case. It had a green screen that was about 6X8 inches. It operated on floppies, was heavy as the dickens, and ran an operating system that no longer exists. Cathy named the computer, Fred.
Fred intimidated me--like driving a stick-shift automobile in England intimidated me. But Cathy and Fred got along famously. Cathy introduced Dad and me to Fred. She was patient, to say the least, and thousands of pages later, the rest is history.
Cathy and I have remained friends. She is a wonderful woman, creative, intelligent, thoughtful, and truly gifted as an individual and professional. She works in marketing, writes a blog, teaches yoga, is married to John, and she walks with Jesus Christ.
Recently, as part of a community arts endeavor, Cathy shared part of her story. We discussed the presentation a bit as she prepared. She was worried because God isn't mentioned. But you know, God isn't mentioned in the Book of Esther either. Sometimes, living your life in a thoughtful an examined fashion is more compelling than what you say.
I want to share Cathy with you. Here is a link to her presentation.