

Leaning into a person asks nothing more than a lean in return. It’s an invitation to feel encouraged, honored, liked, and needed.

For one person, leaning into is vulnerability. For the other, it is strength. For both, it is connection.

God invites us to lean into Him. He pledges to lean back in return. Leaning is relational. God is all about relationship.

Leaning is acceptance, security, approachability. Leaning takes confidence. You are confident in God, but He is confident in you as well. You are His residence.  

Leaning into is a form of communication. It is a disposition of closeness. Spiritually, leaning takes your acceptance in Christ and of Christ out of your head and into your heart with aa physical image.

You lean on Christ. You lean into Christ. Leaning into is a healthy posture.

LifePreston Gillham