My novel, "No Mercy," is now AVAILABLE!

I want to introduce you to my new novel, "No Mercy," and offer you this free copy to read, review, and share. The story is a sweeping adventure of life, love, trust, and desire. Why are you receiving this link to the free e-book?

First, because I want to share my latest creation with you. And, I want to give you the freedom to share it with others.

I began writing No Mercy in 2003 to express some of the wisdom and insights that Father God has etched into my heart. Like "Hank," the story's main character, I doubted God. But over time, through persistence and care, God reached into the dark place where I lived and led me from darkness into light.

In 2008, I left my job and a certain future to write No Mercy and put on paper what I have discovered about living in the light.

Second, if you like what you read in the excerpt, a complete download of No Mercy is also available on my website--free.

If you prefer a hard copy, you can purchase a book here.

Third, if you like what you read, share it--share it until your heart is content. Please. Please forward this to an interested friend .

The option to live in the light—to walk in it and run in it—is only a step away. But the path needs some illumination. My best effort, in story form, is here, in "No Mercy."

Again: Feel free to download No Mercy and share it generously. This is my gift—the dream of my life—to you and those surrounding you.

Enjoy reading, and like the main character "Hank" comes to understand, always remember!