Prayer Following the Inauguration
Joseph R. Biden, Jr. POTUS
Father God, your Word states that there is no authority except from you, and those authorities which exist are established by you. In another place, your Word says we must entreat, pray, petition, and give thanks to you on behalf of all people, especially for kings and all who are in authority. This practice, you directly link to our tranquility, godliness, and dignity.
So, I bring President Biden, Vice President Harris, and all those placed in positions of authority within the United States of America to you. I ask your blessing on each. I ask that you guide them and that they will hear your voice.
The President implored each of us to lay aside our differences, put away our rancor, and make every effort to establish civility in hopes of realizing unity once again. Father God, would you please make this so? Would you grant and endow each of us with humility, generosity, and understanding as we search for peace with all people?
Father God, the President could not have been any clearer in his inaugural address. His singular goal is to create unity within our nation. Would you guide President Biden in this pledge, promise, and intent, dear God?
You say in your Book, “If My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”
Would you please make it so, Father God? We find ourselves in a place of terrible division and great need of intervention.
And now, I place my trust in you and turn President Biden and his administration over to you, the One who placed authority in his keeping. As you instructed, I ask these things and offer this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen