Three Encouragements that Helped Me


Science is not my forte. But that doesn’t mean I’m dumb. I know when science and scientists don’t make sense.

This COVID-19 virus—actually, what’s being said about the virus—has kept me confused. It doesn’t help that it’s a political football, but the explanations make little sense to me.

My buddy Pat sent an article by Jay Bhattacharya of Stanford. He’s a medical doctor as well as a Ph.D. in economics. I found his article approachable, well-reasoned, and sensible. I’m sending it to you because it helped me think more confidently.

The Old Testament prophet Habakkuk had a dream of impending doom. When the Chaldeans invade, it will be the end of his nation. (As of November 2020, both Left and Right are predicting the end of democracy.)

After thinking through his dream, praying, and receiving a negative reply to his request that God stop the invasion, Habakkuk steadied his soul, “Yet I will exult in the Lord, / I will rejoice in the God of my salvation.”

Personally, I’ve been following Habakkuk’s lead for several weeks. His faith has sustained mine.

Finally, each morning I read Seth Godin’s blog. He’s a wise man. Here’s his exhortation regarding your vote. Tuesday is the day. Go vote!

LeadershipPreston Gillham