Division. Unity. Division. It’s the cycle of human existence.
Why can’t we get this right—come to our senses and say, “You know, it’s to everyone’s benefit if we seek unity. Togetherness. That’s a win-win.”
The history of mankind is volumes long, each tome a biography, scribed by billions of human beings since the beginning of time. Every one since Adam, deeply flawed.
According to God, He knew it would be like this.
Hoping to make the traveling team…
Did He deceive Himself? Did He think we would come to our senses?
I’m enchanted by the Book of Ephesians. Chapter 1 looks into the mind of God—just a glance, but a glance inside omniscient, infinite genius.
Adoption. Redemption. Forgiveness. Lavish grace. A unified family.
Yes, but.
Chapter 2 shifts from God’s reality to assess ours. Dead. Failed. Disobedient. Far away.
“But God, being rich in mercy.”
Yes, but God.
He declares peace to those near and far. He abolishes division, establishes peace, and declares unity.
All via lavish grace.
In Jesus Christ He establishes unity. (Apart from Him, there is division.) Unity originates in the mind of God, is promised in the Holy Spirit, and delivered in Jesus Christ. He is grace personified.
Alternatively, we can nurse division hoping it blossoms into unity.
I’m enchanted by Ephesians.