When was the last time you saw a vision?
Carmel by Gillham
I’m not necessarily talking about the kind of vision Peter had on the rooftop or like Jacob had wrestling with the Angel of the Lord. I’m talking about seeing with the eyes of your heart, catching a glimpse of something that can be realized; the kind of idea that creates an intensity in the center of your chest. How long has it been?
Vision is powerful. It can change whole countries. When Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his “I have a dream” speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial his vision galvanized the civil rights movement in the United States and recast an entire culture and country.
Vision is compelling. It can cause people to rise to a noble occasion and demand more of themselves than they ever thought possible. When Winston Churchill declared, “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat,” he energized the demoralized British people and their allies to sacrifice beyond their already superhuman contribution and rise up to defeat Nazi Germany.
Vision is invitational. It presents options heretofore not considered, casts images of the future, and illuminates goals awaiting daring souls who will rise and climb stair steps leading to the vision cast for them. When Jesus declared, “I will show you the Father,” He invited all listening to see God as they had never dreamed of seeing Him. He invited them behind the veil and the cloud and the fire and the legalism and into a personal relationship with God.
Those who cast a vision possess discernment, perception, and shrewd foresight. In this way they are leaders.
But those who speak of a vision to others are also needy people possessing great desire. They speak of vision because they need and desire others to adopt their vision in order to bring it into reality.
When I wrote No Mercy and Battle for the Round Tower, I had a vision. No, I didn't see a picture, per se. Rather, I envisioned a new way to look at the battle between the flesh and the Spirit, a new way to envision what spiritual conflict looks like, feels like, and the toll it exacts upon us who are spiritual. I envisioned a way to paint a portrait with words that would show the Christian life, not teach about it or tell about it.
I want very much for you to see what I see. Not because I have the market cornered on spirituality (ha), but because a picture is worth a thousand words. Even though I'm an artist with words not paints or pencils, I want you to see the picture I've drawn and grasp a vision of what is and what can be.
No Mercy is here.
Battle for the Round Tower is here.