Where's Preston Again?
My work table in Ukraine
And again, a year to the day, I have once again fallen off the edge of the Earth. It's funny how history can be repetitive.
Four years ago, actually four and a half years ago plus one more month, we had a water leak under our house during Christmas that lifted our house off its piers. Once we discovered the leak and fixed it, the saturated ground dried out and set our house back down, but not before cracking nearly every flat surface.
I began fixing this myself, due to the recalcitrance of our insurance company, but realized early in this year that the scope of repairs was beyond my time and ability. So after a fitful stop and start, we are now approaching the conclusion of a major renovation. The house will be lovely, but it is not lovely right now.
In spite of a solid contractor and tremendous crew, my days are not my own. But this too shall pass. When it does, I will climb back up the precipice over which I have fallen, just as I did a year ago, and take my seat at my keyboard once again. Until then, please visit my Topics Tab to see the archives of my writings.
More soon, and even though the post linked to above is a year old, there are a few thoughts included that are timeless.