But that’s as far as confession took me. In fact, once I admitted the problem it flared up with more intensity than ever.
Read MoreI expected Him to be at churches around the world admiring all of the new clothes, but He met me on an asphalt street, in an unknown yard, with a four-legged emissary.
Read MoreTrust is confidence in God even when it appears He isn’t worthy of my belief
Read MoreI felt it best if He stayed on His side of the universe and I stayed on mine.
Read MoreThe problem is that the knowledge I know has not yet intersected with the project at hand.
Read MoreAs I stood and looked over the southwest side of Fort Worth, I asked Him what He considered to be the key to experiencing His promise that we might have life and have it more abundantly.
Read MoreI figured He would be half tuned to me and half tuned to the great need around Him. But He had all the time in the world. I didn’t understand, but neither did I think about it for long.
Read MoreThat was silly of me. Concerned? Yes. But burdened? He wasn’t burdened at all by the weight He carried. Quite the contrary. It was as though the burdens cast upon Him were without significant weight. He conveyed the confidence that only God could have.
Read MoreBy way of his charismatic personality, administrative prowess, and creative genius he has built an empire of great historical and worldwide influence founded under the title Hell, Inc. He now serves as the company’s President and Chairman with offices and viable concerns worldwide.
Read MoreIn many cases Christians today are no better off with the New Testament than they were without it in Jesus’ day. I mean, they may have it, but unless they know what’s in it they won’t derive any benefit from it. Many of them only know what they’ve been taught or heard. I love these folks.
Read MoreThey become introspective and subject to self-condemnation, searching for the cause of their failure while expending great spiritual effort to deal with the hideous “self.” Never mind that their old self was dealt a fatal blow in Christ.
Read MoreLucifer, thank you for taking time from your busy schedule to visit with me. I don’t suppose there is anyone more qualified to discuss the topic of deceit and deception than you are. But before we begin our discussion of that topic, how did you get into this field?
Read MoreThe complexity of Jesus’ claim is significant, not just for mankind, but for Jesus as well. He loves us all and desires for everyone to live with Him throughout eternity. But if He is the only way to this eternal place everyone wants to go, and there are people who have not heard the plan of salvation from Scripture who will be eternally rejected, how does He legitimately maintain a loving and just character?
Read MoreThe farther across the spectrum of humanity I move, the less I understand and the more questions I have to explore. When I move all the way to the end of the spectrum where the guy with the bow is shooting at airplanes, I’m virtually clueless about what’s transpiring with regard to his faith in the unknown deity of Jesus Christ.
Read MoreWe have yet to contemplate how God does what He does in Christ. That Jesus is the only way to God is clear in the Bible. How He is the way is not as clear.
Read MoreWith that final question the proverbial line in the sand is drawn. Either the guy in the loin cloth is bound for hell or God didn’t really mean Jesus was on the only way—which then means the Bible is metaphorical myth. These are not good options.
Read MoreYou would like to believe thinking people would abandon a sinking ship full of spiritual holes. You would think, but such is not the case.
Read MoreWhen it comes to spiritual matters, making a decision for God involves more than giving mental assent to the idea.
Read MoreJesus is just as obvious as Caesar, Alexander, Henry VIII, or Lincoln. But the apologetics of Christianity are not sufficient to create salvation.
Read MoreJesus’ one command was, “You shall love the Lord your God. This is the great and foremost commandment.”
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