The lack of agenda meant I had time for my soul to fully work its way through its considerations, its contemplations, its questions—its ruminations.
Read MoreI’m going to step away from my keyboard for August and lie as still as I can and see if inaction helps it get cooler.
Read MoreWithin every person there is a sucking sound that only God can supply without being sucked-in.
Read MoreQuibble with the margin of error in this study and you play the fool. A statistical significance of seven-to-ninety times greater is astounding.
Read MoreLifetime belongs to God. The message is His. The application is simply the Gospel applied and made relevant.
Read MoreGiven this, it makes perfect sense that the author of Hebrews exhorts you to endure all the mess and mania occurring in the arena of life by fixing your eyes on Jesus.
Read MoreLearning forms habits and habits reinforce learning—it’s a compounding dynamic.
Read MoreYou work your way through the low spot one step at a time. Nothing fancy. No desperate moves. You pay attention to your fundamentals.
Read MoreThe logic of Rigorous Grace is simple: If these twelve practices were the way Jesus lived, then these twelve practices should guide the way I live.
Read MoreIf we express our perspectives using the same language, and have access to the same statistics, and have lived through a shared history, then what’s to account for us talking past each other?
Read MoreGod doesn’t expect you to get life perfectly right. He does expect you to show up, engage with Him, and learn His ways.
Read MoreWhile Capitalists and Conservatives argue politics, Socialist-Progressives are making a moral argument. The first follow a system of rules and laws. The second are engaged in a moral crusade.
Read MoreSpeaking today about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and shortly after boldly announcing punishing sanctions on Russia, President Biden stated in the strongest of terms, “No one expected the sanctions to prevent anything from happening. This is going to take some time.”
Read MoreI am where I belong—for now. I’m an emissary. I’m a man commissioned on a mission. Father has encamped me here to be a light of the Kingdom.
Read MoreI start thinking about the nonsense in the world, and then my thoughts fragment. No. My thoughts shatter. When I stare at the crystalline shards, I can’t assemble them back into meaning.
Read MoreWe cannot be salt and light from inside the church, from within our small group, or by attending a study. Jesus instructed us to “Go!” and go we must.
Read MoreIt has been quite difficult for us in the West to separate salvation in Christ from our citizenship in America.
Read MoreConfidence in your true identity won’t smooth-out the wrinkles of the holidays, but understanding who you are and whose you are will help clarify what matters and what doesn’t.
Read MoreWhen I write to you, I don’t think of the article as a stand-alone piece, although all will, but as a vibrant exchange that fuels our progress together and perpetuates our relationship.
Read MoreOnce rooted, an established sense of pride makes you vulnerable to the lusts that define all sins: pride. Whether sin rewards you or embitters you, all sin is independence from God—and therein is the definition of pride.
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