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keeping your wits when others are not

The world is a tough, crazy, irregular place filled with desperate souls. Many crowds of people are swayed by popular opinion, their beliefs and convictions quickly lost in the tumult of culture. It’s easier than ever to lose your wits, to find yourself on unsteady footing, frustrated, confused, or unsure.

Swagger is a series of essays tackling difficult subjects. This book is for the courageous, especially readers young enough in years or soul to make a difference. It won’t tell you how to think. It won’t tell you what to believe.

Each essay in Swagger will bring fresh perspective, challenging ideas, and insights for everyday living, thinking, and believing. This is why I wrote to you.

I want you to keep your wits—all those skills, talents, and godly endowments that make you you—and I want to see you swagger in life and in your walk with God and others.

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