What to Expect
Whatever It Takes
My typical engagement transpires either in person, during an off-site retreat, over the telephone, or via video conference. Each option has distinct advantages and a few disadvantages. Ultimately, I will do whatever it takes to ensure our work succeeds.
At work in Ukraine.
Meeting in person facilitates a more sophisticated bond of trust and insight. If the engagement involves a team or group of people, then the flexibility of meeting together in person for coaching and strategy is a definite advantage.
The beauty of an off-site retreat is the ability to focus, control the environment, and establish our own agenda for a period of time with as few distractions as possible. These are critical variables to control when doing the intense and important tasks associated with corporate identity, purpose, and direction. An off-site retreat is also a desirable venue for doing leadership training and spiritual development.
Telephone and video conferencing are best for maintenance, sophistication, and expediency. This said, sometimes a telephone conversation or a video conference is all that is necessary in order to hammer out a more straightforward matter. This option also makes sense when time is short, the demands are especially critical, travel is prohibitive, or cost is a major factor.
During our initial discussion, I will review these options—and any others—with you and offer counsel about the next steps we take together in order to achieve the desired outcome. The bottom line is this: I am in this field of endeavor to help you run your race and finish well. Whatever it takes to ensure this transpires is the heart and soul of my contribution.
Cost Structure
I work by the day, the half day, by the hour, or by the engagement. There is no charge for inquiry and there is no charge for the first hour or so of discussion while I ensure I properly understand your desire and request.
Since each engagement is unique, please contact me to discuss your thoughts and desires. Together, we will determine the most effective plan of action.
At work in Barbados.
Email: Preston@PrestonGillham.com
Snail Mail:
Preston Gillham
2020 Wilshire Blvd.
Fort Worth, TX USA 76110-1714