Catching Up, Looking Ahead

If you haven’t visited the overhauled websites for and, please do.

If you see edits or find broken links, let me know.

Here’s what you are looking at when you visit: First, the appearance is updated.

Second, you will notice a tighter link between the two sites. is the legacy site. PHG is the site for current content. From either site you can subscribe and become a financial partner.

Third: The driver for both site updates is the censorship and cancellation I’m encountering and continue to suffer. What you can’t see when you visit Lifetime-PHG is the fresh coding and restructured database design. There is no guarantee this will negate the censorship I’m suffering, but at a minimum, our data is secured should another agency try to shut me down entirely as did.

The tyrannical despots of the tech world, in cahoots with several Federal agencies, as the Twitter Files have exposed, wield sufficient power to silence those with whom they disagree. They then continue their abuses of power by not rectifying their wrongs. This is the equivalent of sending me to a virtual Siberia, locking me in a technical cell, and throwing away the key. The scale to which this is occurring, as revealed in the Twitter Files, is astounding!

Let me be crystal clear: I don’t care what political stripe you have down your back, this heavy-handed behavior should absolutely horrify you!

Adding to this litany of tyranny is that the major media outlets are soft-pedaling, excusing, or largely ignoring the damning content of the Twitter Files. If you have ever wondered whether the Western media has become a mouthpiece for their political persuasion, wonder no longer.

Note: If your media feed is not covering the Twitter Files, you need to run—not walk—and find a new source of media information. This is a bigger story than the Watergate files because the Twitter Files reveal collusion between Big Tech, several Federal agencies—FBI, CIA, NSA, etc.—and the Executive Branch of government to target and silence political enemies, while fabricating falsehoods, and manipulating information essential to societal stability and health.

Again: This should terrify you as you consider the future of America. This collective bullying behavior by tech, the Federal government, and the media is the stuff of tyranny and despotism: i.e., lawless behavior that is repressive, oppressive, and practiced with impunity.

And what were my sins against society?

I dared write a medically-based perspective on abortion, specifically late-term abortion where a viable human child is killed. So, I wrote about this infanticide and suffered the wrath of those empowered to deliver only the narratives they wish to be considered. My second sin, and the coup de grace for my public presence, was that I dared to define “systemic racism” using the dictionary as opposed to the social narrative.

You see now the reason your partnership is essential. These folks might shut me down, but they can’t shut all of you down. If I’m the writer, you are the distributor. If I am the publisher, you are the marketer. Isn’t this the way the Body of Christ is supposed to function? As Dad used to say, “Eyeballs are equal to elbows in the Body of Christ.” it takes us all. Together, we are unstoppable.

Some years ago a group made a concerted effort to destroy Lifetime Ministries—and they damaged the organization significantly before it came back into my care in August of 2019. As this attack unfolded, three things came into focus: First, Lifetime belongs to God. It is His to do with as He sees fit. Second, it makes perfect sense that Lifetime would be attacked. As a ministry, our specialty is the Gospel applied. If I was an enemy of the Gospel, I would target Lifetime. And third, the message of Lifetime is everywhere…

Yes, you can purchase and download from Lifetime-PHG. You can do the same at You can watch—mostly free of charge given our dedicated investors—via our channels. In addition, there are hundreds of thousands of books, booklets, study materials, audio, and video in multiple languages covering the globe. Further, for better or for worse, there are all kinds of pirated copies of Lifetime’s materials available via the black market.

In short, Father God determined to use Lifetime-PHG to share the Gospel in a unique manner. The message of Lifetime is not ours, it’s not the Gillham’s. The message of Lifetime is simply the Gospel shared as we uniquely communicate it.

Here’s the deal: Nothing will stop the spread of the Gospel.

It is NO fun being censored and attacked. It is disheartening to be targeted, disconcerting to see the organization damaged. It’s also sobering to realize Lifetime-PHG is on the agenda when the forces of darkness gather to discuss strategy. It is disheartening… but it is heartening as well to know we are hitting the mark.

At the end of the day, all that we are belongs to God. In fact, with each article I write and with every thought I have of you, I turn you over to God for His care and blessing. I want you to grasp without a wavering notion or whim of doubt that you are secure in Father’s grip. He’s got you! Darkness cannot extinguish light!

I’m telling you again what I’ve told you before, and it’s worth repeating: My gut tells me 2023 is going to unfold more darkness than 2022 did. This is discouraging to contemplate, but this can only mean a clearer expression of the Gospel is on God’s mind. Why else would we be under the gun, targeted, and blacklisted?

If a picture is worth a thousand words, here’s a picture that portrays how the upcoming days will unfold: Incoming US Congressman Robert Garcia, a Democrat from Long Beach, CA, took his oath of office while swearing upon a “Superman” comic book. Rep. Garcia said, “Anyone who understands comics knows that comics are an essential part of American fiction. The lessons learned are invaluable.”

This isn’t illegal, but it is enlightening. Rep. Garcia went to Washington to govern a fictional notion. The Institution to which he was elected, its traditions, its history, and the very Constitution he swore to uphold, are to his way of thinking fictional.

Speaking of comics, the news also broke last week that “The Joker” turns up pregnant in the latest iteration of that comic character. Men can get pregnant after all—in a fictional world. How do you argue legitimacy, law, or even history if nothing is real? Progressives say the comic story isn’t about trans men, which I might be ready to accept given that it is the Joker, after all. It’s just the pelvic exam performed by another comic character that undoes their delusional denial.

Looking ahead, let’s stay focused. Yes, we are under the gun. Yes, I’ve landed on some tech-based bad list with far-reaching tentacles.

What else is new?

Let’s rock ‘n roll, friends. Keep your eyes on Him who is Light. Anchor your soul in His Book, which will never pass away. It’s an understatement to note that in doing so you gain the advantage. After all, those declaring their enlightenment most loudly have embraced a comic fiction as their reality.

Leaving the world of fiction, I had the honor of sitting with Pastor Carroll Marr a couple of weeks ago to discuss the early verses of Romans 6. You can access that discussion via this link.

Over the next days, Tony Clark and I are going to discuss Dad’s (aka, Bill’s) book Lifetime Guarantee. We are going to take our time with each chapter and you are invited to join us. A preview is here.

You can join us in two ways: a) by simply tuning in after Tony posts the video, or b) join us by—get this now!—sending me a 30-second video of how your reading of Lifetime Guarantee affected your Christian life. Thirty seconds is all. I’ll forward your video testimony to Tony. He will insert you into our discussions as he sees fit.  

Something broke in the delivery of Anabel’s daily devotional, “Everyday Grace.” The problem is fixed… but the webmaster doesn’t know how it got fixed. That’s right.

Everything looked okay with “Everyday Grace” on our end, so the webmaster contacted Tech Support for the host site. They put him on hold—for a long time—then dropped him. But they fixed whatever it was. Jeepers! If you are not a subscriber to Anabel’s devotional, you can do that here.

Now, keep your wits about you. Stay in touch, and send me your video testimony if you’d like to weigh-in on how Lifetime Guarantee (the book) has affected your walk with Jesus.

Preston Gillham