The Opportunity We Share

The prophet Isaiah quoted God reflecting on His book, the Bible. God compares His words to snow and rain watering the earth and causing growth. He makes special note that none of His provision is wasted.

Turning His metaphor to His book, God says,

So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth;
It will not return to Me empty,
Without accomplishing what I desire,
And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it. *

I’ve noticed a couple of things, both of which concern our shared calling.

First, after four years of aggressive censorship, the ministry of Lifetime-PHG remains a sharp tool in our heavenly Father’s hands. Sales and distribution of my articles are impeded, but other numbers used to evaluate ministry are constant.

My conclusion?

Father God cannot be contained. His message will be delivered as He intends it to be delivered. Can you repress the Gospel? It seems not!

God is not done with Lifetime-PHG.

What is it we do? We help people make the Gospel relevant, the very thing researchers report being more desired today than ever before. In this, our work together remains a sharp tool in God’s hands.

My second observation: As we have observed, the numbers for spirituality and religion are dismal. Church attendance is down dramatically. Those committed to their faith are departing organized religion in droves. Younger people want nothing to do with religion, etc.

Is God’s cause being defeated? Did Isaiah misquote God?

Last week, I read: “Bible sales rose 22% through October compared to the same period last year. Total U.S. print book sales were only up 1%.”

What’s this data telling us?

First, there is tremendous demand to explore the Bible’s answers. Said another way, a huge number of people have concluded that only God has what they need and the Bible contains His message. While folks are distancing themselves from politicians, religious denominations, and spiritual leaders, they are going directly to the source in noteworthy numbers.

God will not let the reading of those new Bibles return a null outcome. He will care for His new readers and guide their application of His truth. While this is what we do as a ministry, who knows what part we play in His initiative? That’s above our pay grade, but I believe we should prepare to be part of His plan.

God is not repressed. He is not losing the day. Darkness is not winning. Satan is not triumphing. People are hungry for God and their hunger is reflected in spiking sales figures for The Bible.

Father God stated, “My Word will not return to me empty. It will accomplish its purpose.”

It’s not possible to have perfect clarity about what God is doing, but at this juncture, I see a glimpse and I’m pointing it out to you. Further, Father God is doing what He always does during duress: He is advancing His cause of redemption in searching hearts. Now is a fine time to make certain we are honed, focused, and alert to His initiatives.

God is on the prowl. I for one, want in on His hunt. In addition, I’m not interested in maintaining overhead. I want to be lean and efficient, armed with the essentials. This has always been true of Lifetime-PHG, but never more than today.

Still, I have refined how I’m thinking, managing, and focusing my walk with Father. This is reflected in Lifetime-PHG. The ministry is sharp, poised, efficient, and steady-as-she-goes.

Join me. Father God is active in and through Lifetime-PHG and He is lining up His initiatives. Let’s rock ‘n roll. Here’s to 2025!

As the year concludes, I seek your financial investment. You can participate securely online via this link or this link:

If you prefer paper, please make certain your envelope is postmarked no later than December 31, 2024:

Lifetime Ministries

2020 Wilshire Blvd.

Fort Worth, TX 76110

I pray Father’s blessings on you. May you find resolve in the Spirit, reassurance in Jesus Christ, and celebrate your redemption in Father God.

I’ll see you on the other side of the New Year.  

* Isaiah 55:10-11

Preston Gillham