Posts in Life
When I Prepare My Taxes

In four or five weeks, after I’ve cleaned up the kitchen, and drunk my bourbon, I will place my gathered materials before me on my desk and cry unintelligible sounds before God-my-maker. What is there to say? To do? My heart will confess my sin, forced though it is, as my soul wretches in shame at what I’m required to do.

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LifePreston Gillham
It's Time to Review What We Know

Dr. King was celebrated at the beginning of this week for good reason. He was correct about light being the antidote to darkness. It’s a magnificent statement. But it begs a pleading question: Where exactly is this necessary, essential light going to come from?

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LifePreston Gillham

By the time everyone else flies in, the sparrows have already made a mess of large proportion—or at least I thought it was a mess.

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LifePreston Gillham