If the mercies and grace of God have achieved all that Scripture declares, the clear mandate is that as the redeemed of the Lord you are secure in Him, empowered in Him, confident because of Him, and directed by Him to act.
Read MoreDeclaring, “No!” is the first step, the equivalent of getting yourself in position to tackle your foe or address your problem.
Read MoreThere are rooms with thirty-foot-tall walls filled with armor, swords, and munitions from days gone by. The state dining room seats over 115 people at the same table.
Read MoreThe vast majority of Americans feel repressed, marginalized, dissident.
Read MoreThe outright attack on people of faith, Christianity, and conservative ideals is remarkable. It is certainly not unprecedented, but it is more pervasive today than in several decades.
Read MoreAll law, education, finance, philosophy, and power are structured to allow for and guard against the fallenness of humankind.
Read MoreTomorrow never comes. Today is where God’s mercies reside.
Read MoreYesterday, I went to the garage to find a zip-tie. I stopped to stare at my mountain bike—orange frame of aluminum and composites, blue wheels, Crank Brothers hubs. I suspect my last ride has occurred.
Read MoreI noticed my left foot felt weird. Within an hour or so, my pain levels skyrocketed. I lost much of my left foot’s function. Soon, my left leg and hip were involved.
Read MoreWe are citizens of the Kingdom of God. Our hope is not tied to Washington, DC. Our confidence is invested in the character of God.
Read MoreSo, what posture do we adopt when the world goes bonkers?
Read MoreI feel like one of those lepers in the Bible who was required by law to call out “Unclean! Unclean!” when they went anywhere.
Read MoreIt’s called the Equality Act. There is nothing equal about the bill-set-to-become law.
Read MoreIs there any benchmark? Any standard? This is a crazy storm? I need an anchor.
Read MoreWhat if you and I have revolutionary options that are within the law?
Read MoreIn four or five weeks, after I’ve cleaned up the kitchen, and drunk my bourbon, I will place my gathered materials before me on my desk and cry unintelligible sounds before God-my-maker. What is there to say? To do? My heart will confess my sin, forced though it is, as my soul wretches in shame at what I’m required to do.
Read MoreAs an evangelical, white, older, Christian, male, who lives in [sort of close to] the South and whose blog posts are filled with Christian rationale, I’m clearly on the short list of political dissidents.
Read MoreThe national debate over abortion centers on two perspectives: 1) Is it a woman’s right to have an abortion? 2) Is the fetus a pregnant woman carries a human being or a lump of tissue?
Read MoreFather God, the President could not have been any clearer in his inaugural address. His singular goal is to create unity within our nation. Would you guide President Biden in this pledge, promise, and intent, dear God?
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