Dr. King was celebrated at the beginning of this week for good reason. He was correct about light being the antidote to darkness. It’s a magnificent statement. But it begs a pleading question: Where exactly is this necessary, essential light going to come from?
Read MoreMillions and millions of us were not at the US Capitol on Wednesday, but we found ourselves caught in the riot of late (who knows when this uprising began?).
Read MoreThe right question is, what’s the next right thing for me to do—for my spiritual life, my relational life, my professional life, and my personal life?
Read MoreLong ago I determined that if I was going to write, I was going to write honestly, transparently, and efficiently, making every word work as hard as the other words on the page.
Read MoreI’m confused and all beat up. My head is bloodied, but unbowed. That’s neither here nor there. I know what to do. I fix my focus on Jesus. Here and now, I declare sola Christos my war chant.
Read MoreI cannot live my faith within walls. I must live my faith outside the walls of brick and mortar. There cannot be, there must not be, any separation between church and state, separation between my faith and my daily life.
Read MoreAre you grieving the defeat of Mr. Trump? Are you hopeful Mr. Biden will deliver for you? When will it dawn on you that this world does not—cannot—salve what aches in your soul?
Read MoreI’m sending these links to you because they helped my confidence.
Read MoreOur only chance as a democracy is to vote ourselves a chance to try again as Americans.
Read MoreThere can be NO free society that justifies or tolerates silencing an alternative point of view for political power, financial gain, or any other perceived benefit.
Read MoreThe Bible is what it is and what it has been for around 1900 years.
Read MoreWe exhort our people to pray for their country. I suspect God is saying, “I’ve answered your prayers. Quit praying and go vote. If you do this, you can implement the biblical principles I lead you to implement.”
Read More“My vote—our vote—doesn’t matter. That’s why we’re praying. Besides, there’s nobody Christian running for office.”
Read MoreThe lions may go away. They may eat you a bite at a time. They may devour you.
Read MoreAre you pushing and shoving, cursing the Orange Man, denouncing demented Joe, resenting the demise of America? If God instructed Christians in Rome to pray for Nero as a leader established by God, I wonder what His thoughts are regarding prayers on behalf of Mr. Trump?
Read MoreGod invites us to lean into Him. He pledges to lean back in return.
Read MoreBy the time everyone else flies in, the sparrows have already made a mess of large proportion—or at least I thought it was a mess.
Read MoreIn November we are not voting for our next pastor.
Read MoreThe word means without precedent, never having happened before. There’s no map, no template, nothing to go on. That’s not true.
Read MoreI relish torrents. They remind me I’m alive.
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